6 ways to deliver bad news with love

Heartfelt leaders approach layoffs the same way they lead — with compassion, candor and reassurance about the future.

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No leader wants to let an employee go. Unfortunately, in these harsh economic times, more of us find ourselves having to deliver bad news. It’s one of the most painful parts of being a leader. But you can let people go without abandoning them emotionally — and as the pandemic sets in for who knows how long, it’s a skill every leader needs to learn.

How you lay someone off should be an extension of how you lead. Great leaders do both with compassion, integrity and candor. They lead with an open heart and the assurance that employees do have what it takes to excel — and they let people go the same way.

Above all, follow the Golden Rule. If you must lay somebody off, the best approach to take is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is a guiding principle that leaders should live by every day, but never is it more important than when employees are at their most vulnerable. Imagine how you would want to be treated if you were to lose your job and move forward with that in mind.

Maybe you can’t be by their side, physically — but you can be emotionally. I once had to lay off my team when I worked for AT&T. When my first team member came into my office, I motioned for him to sit on the sofa instead of in one of the chairs on the opposite side of my desk. I immediately came out from behind my desk and sat right next to my team member, turning toward him. I was right there next to this employee as I laid out the details of what was going to happen.

This physical closeness likely can’t happen now due to social distancing. But leaders can and must find a way to keep that spirit of human connection and caring — even if you must deliver the bad news via video chat.

If you keep your message authentic, from the heart and honest, they are most likely to receive it well.

Spell out their unique strengths — and reassure them that they’ll be able to leverage those strengths again. This is a time when people need to be reminded of the gifts they bring to the table. Be specific as you recount the many contributions the person has made to the team and the organization. Share how much you honor, respect and admire them and remind them that other organizations will recognize and value their skills and abilities as well.

Help them brainstorm their next step. After you have broken the news, roll up your sleeves and make yourself an ally to your employee as they begin envisioning their future. Discuss with them what they would really love to be doing going forward. Brainstorm about the type of jobs they would love to have.

To get the ball rolling, ask, “What is important to you in life, and what makes you excited about your career?” Listen closely to each response.

Wholeheartedly commit to helping them find their next role. Call around to any contacts you have and inquire about potential job opportunities for each member of your staff. Give referrals freely. Help them come up with stretch assignments that will give them more experience and prepare them for potential opportunities they are interested in pursuing.

Later, when things open back up, coach them through the interview process. Touch base with the team member through their interview process at other companies. Make yourself available to run mock interviews and check in often to see how they are doing. They will appreciate having a mentor through this challenging process.

Is it unorthodox to keep in touch with employees after you let them go? Perhaps. But if you truly care about someone, you will want to. And who knows? You may be able to bring the person back at a later date.

There’s no escaping the discomfort and pain caused by layoffs, but these steps keep the suffering to a minimum. You have the responsibility to send an employee off into the job market hopeful and inspired, not angry or hurt. If you’ve done your job right and acted from a place of love, they’ll leave knowing that the best part of their life is still ahead.

Deb Boelkes is the author of “The WOW Factor Workplace: How to Create a Best Place to Work Culture” and “Heartfelt Leadership: How to Capture the Top Spot and Keep on Soaring.” www.businessworldrising.com

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