Bupleurum fruticosum

Consider adding this workhorse to your evergreen shrub collection.

Let’s start by clearing the air on this plant’s bizarre common name: shrubby hare’s ear. Not much of a ring to it, eh? But goofy name aside, this evergreen, flowering shrub is worthy of your attention.

It won’t be the showiest plant in your collection, but it’s certainly a stalwart. As mentioned, it’s evergreen with long and narrow, waxy leaves. In summer and into early fall, it’s covered in clusters of tiny yellow flowers. It’s more of a background plant, a wingman of sorts, that help the flashier plants stand out a bit more.

One of the best characteristics of this plant is that it thrives on neglect. What average consumer wouldn’t appreciate that? It’s also quite tolerant of salt spray, making it an excellent choice for coastal areas. If that wasn’t enough, it’s also drought tolerant, providing yet another option for dry regions or those looking for water-conserving plant choices.

As it matures, the branches begin to bend and arch, which would provide an interesting feature along a wall or spilling out of a large container.

Why grow Bupleurum fruticosum?

  • Tolerant of salt spray
  • Drought tolerant
  • Thrives on benign neglect
  • Evergreen

Sources: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials; Digging Dog Nursery; Joy Creek Nursery

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