Chestnut oak

Learn about the 2017 Urban Tree of the Year.

The large leaves of the chestnut oak resemble those of the American chestnut, hence the name.
Source: Society of Municipal Arborists, “City Trees”
The chestnut oak is often found on steep, rocky hills where other oaks cannot survive.

The chestnut oak (Quercus montana) (syn. Q. prinus) is the Society of Municipal Arborists 2017 Urban Tree of the Year.

Native to much of the eastern United States, its distinctive, deeply furrowed bark pairs beautifully with the large leaves that resemble those of the American chestnut.

According to SMA, the tree is pH-adaptable, handles dry soils and periods of drought, has a beautiful mature form, requires minimal pruning, and tends to be free of major pests and diseases.

Typical size is 50 to 70 feet tall and almost as wide.

It’s hardy in USDA Zones 4 to 8.

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February 2017
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