Introducing Eclipse®

Bailey is excited to bring this unique shrub to the market in 2024.

Photos provided by Bailey Nurseries

Eclipse® is raising the standard for dark-leaf Hydrangea macrophylla, with foliage that remains dark all summer long, even in warm climates. After years of breeding and trialing, Bailey is excited to bring this unique shrub to the market in 2024.

The seed for Eclipse® was first sown in 2017 by David Roberts, the Director of Plant Breeding at Bailey Innovations™ in Georgia, the breeding arm of Bailey Nurseries. Each year, 15,000 Hydrangea macrophylla seeds are planted by Roberts and his team, but few of those plants make it past the initial evaluation stage. These high standards ensure only the best selections are introduced.

It didn’t take long for Eclipse® to stand out, as the dark foliage and cranberry blooms were eye- catching. Not only that, but the foliage remained dark throughout the season, which is something they hadn’t seen with other dark-leaf varieties on the market.

Each year, the team at Bailey Innovations™ does a cutback trial to observe how the plants respond to being cut down nearly to the ground. Until recently, all the dark-leaf Hydrangea macrophylla that were cut back produced green new growth, but Eclipse® continued to produce dark foliage after the cutback.

In spring 2019, Eclipse® was placed into production trials at Bailey Innovations™ to observe its performance in a nursery setting. This trial helps the team measure finishing timelines and identify any disease or production issues. Hydrangea macrophylla are typically a lower maintenance plant in production, but Eclipse® took it a step further by showing excellent resistance to mildew and Cercospora.

After seeing the positive results in Georgia, Bailey expanded the production trials to its Minnesota facilities, where Eclipse® continued to impress the team. In addition to production trialing, Eclipse® was sent to other Bailey sites and external partners across North America for continued evaluation. These results confirmed that Eclipse® will thrive and consistently bloom in Zone 5, allowing growers and retailers to promote Eclipse® in cold regions.

Eclipse® also went through a comparison trial alongside other dark leaf varieties of Hydrangea macrophylla. These comparisons took place in Georgia to expose Eclipse® to the hot summers and observe whether the foliage would remain dark. The results were clear that Eclipse® would remain much darker than any other dark leaf Hydrangea macrophylla on the market.

The rigorous trialing process convinced Bailey’s team to introduce this unique hydrangea to the First Editions® lineup of shrubs and trees in 2024. To fit your production schedule, various liner options are available through Bailey and First Editions® licensed growers.

As next year approaches, the excitement for Eclipse® goes beyond the production field. Eclipse® will be a stunning plant for retailers as the foliage makes a statement on the shelves. The dark leaves and cranberry-colored blooms offer bold contrast when used on its own or mixed with annuals, perennials, and other shrubs in displays. To go a step further, retailers can sell Eclipse® in deco pots with seasonal plants.

Landscapers will enjoy the versatility of Eclipse® as it grows 3-5 feet tall and wide, allowing this shrub to be showcased in mixed borders, short hedges or group plantings. The foliage and blooms pair beautifully with other plants to enhance the landscape and provide inspiration for future designs.

Eclipse® has set a new standard for dark-leaf hydrangea, with groundbreaking foliage that holds consistent color across North America. For more information on Eclipse®, please visit

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