What is Mainspring GNL insecticide?
Mainspring® GNL insecticide is a powerful resistance management tool in IRAC Group 28 that systemically moves throughout the plant for residual control of key chewing and sucking pests such as:
- Thrips
- Whiteflies
- Aphids
- Caterpillars
- Leafminers
- Leaf-feeding beetles
- Soft scales
- Lace bugs
The active ingredient, cyantraniliprole, makes Mainspring GNL a neonicotinoid alternative and because of its compatibility with many biological control agents, it is suitable for use in various integrated pest management programs.
How does Mainspring GNL work?
Mainspring GNL stops insect feeding shortly after ingestion, which limits damage to the plant and potential disease transmission, leading to insect mortality in two to seven days.
When sprayed, Mainspring GNL has translaminar and locally systemic activity. The active ingredient penetrates the plant cuticle to form a reservoir within the plant tissue. When drenched, Mainspring GNL is taken up by the roots and moves upward in the xylem throughout the plant canopy.
Where and how can Mainspring GNL be applied?
With its very flexible use recommendations, Mainspring GNL can be used in greenhouses and nurseries and can be applied as a spray, drench or soil treatment.
- As a foliar spray, the recommended use rate is 4 to 8 fl. oz./100 gal. of water for 14 to 21 days of control.
- For drench applications to container plants, growers should follow the recommended use rate of 8 to 12 fl. oz./100 gal of water for 8 to 10 weeks of protection.
- For in-ground and larger plants, growers should apply as a soil treatment using 0.125 to 0.25 fl. oz. per foot of height or per inch of trunk diameter at breast height (DBH). The product should be mixed in enough water to treat an area one to three feet from the base of the trunk to penetrate the root zone, with solution applied uniformly to the soil around the plant base.
- For applications made to the soil or planting media, it is important to use enough drench solution to get down to the root system. For containerized plants that means applying a drench to wet ¾ of the root zone. The more roots that are present at the time of application, the longer the protection will last.

Syngenta recently launched Mainspring Xtra insecticide. What is the key difference between these two products?
Mainspring Xtra features the same trusted active ingredient in Mainspring GNL, cyantraniliprole, as well as the active ingredient, thiamethoxam, which delivers fast knockdown of chewing, sucking and soil-dwelling insects, including fungus gnats, mealybugs and scale. Mainspring Xtra is also labeled for use on non-bearing fruit trees, nut trees, and vegetable transplants grown for retail sales to consumers.
In addition to the residual performance benefits of cyantraniliprole, applications of Mainspring Xtra can increase plant vigor from the proven Thiamethoxam Vigor Effect. Thiamethoxam has been shown to enhance root mass, strengthen stems and produce greener plants, leading to improved overall plant quality when compared to untreated plants.
Mainspring GNL and Mainspring Xtra make great rotational partners in an agronomic program. Find which Mainspring brand works for you and your operation.
Visit GreenCastOnline.com/MainspringGNL and GreenCastOnline.com/MainspringXtra to learn more and shield your crops from damaging pests.
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