People & Events

New positions
Alan White to territory manager for the northwest; Gary Leonard to sales rep for southern California, T&R Co.

Heath Lowery to territory manager in the south central region, Valent Professional Products.

Jon Ackerman to field sales representative in the western region, BFG Supply Co.

Business announcements
OHP will be a part of the California Spring Trials March 26-April 1, 2011. OHP will showcase the results for its plant growth regulators (PGR) work at American Takii in Salinas. OHP Senior Technical Manager Dave Barcel will coordinate the demonstrations.

Central Landscape Supply, St. Cloud and Farmington, Minn., is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

America in Bloom (AIB) is offering a series of 10 free webinars throughout the year. Presenters include representatives from America in Bloom, participating towns and veteran AIB judges. A complete list of dates, detailed topic descriptions and presenters is available at

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ Living Architecture Academy, an online portal to green roof and wall educational content from conferences and events, is available online at Papers from previous conferences and 75 streaming audio recordings synched with presentation slides can be purchased and downloaded at the site.

CO-EX Corp. launched a new website, The newly updated website is organized by market segment and now includes many of the company’s recently developed panel products.

For a full list of events, click here.


March 2011
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