Know some leaders? Nominate them for a HILA.

Do you know an outstanding member of the green industry? We at GIE Media's Horticulture Group are excited to announce a new awards program for the horticultural industry.


Todd Davis

Do you know an outstanding member of the green industry?

How about one of your liner growers that produces great products and has excellent customer service? What about a fellow grower that contract grows specific crops for you and always delivers the goods on time? Or maybe one of your retail customers that does a great job supporting local horticulture in the community.

Or perhaps a distributor that doesn’t bicker about prices and pays invoices on time. (Hey, it could happen.)

We at GIE Media’s Horticulture Group are excited to announce a new awards program for the horticultural industry. These awards are going to be presented via three sister publications, Nursery Management, Greenhouse Management and Garden Center. The Horticultural Industries Leadership Awards will pay tribute to individuals who have acted above and beyond their own business or personal interests to make a difference in the lives of their employees, customers, communities or industry.

This year we’re going to award 50 outstanding individuals a HILA – one lucky winner from each state.

And the winner is …
Recipients will be profiled in special editions of Nursery Management, Greenhouse Management and Garden Center to be published in July. We will also honor the winners with a reception and dinner at this year’s OFA Short Course, July 9-12 in Columbus, Ohio.

So what do we need from you? We need you to think hard about individuals you know that deserve a HILA. Let us know who these folks are, and they just might be inaugural winners.

A nomination form can be found here. Deadline for entries is May 1, 2011. Thanks for your participation, and we hope to see you in Ohio.


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