Corylus colurna

Turkish hazel makes an excellent shade and urban tree

Name: Corylus colurna.

Common name: Turkish hazel or Turkish filbert.

Description: A pyramidal deciduous tree that grows to 40-50 feet tall. The trunk is short with dense, horizontal, low branching. Corky, mottled, tan to gray bark on mature trunks may flake to reveal an orange-brown inner bark. It’s a good choice for urban plantings because it is tolerant of drought, heat, pollution, compacted soils and a variety of pH levels. Dark-green leaves are serrated and create a thick cover, which helps cast dense shade.

Hardiness: USDA Hardiness Zones 4-7.

Culture: Grow in full to partial sun. It is not plagued by disease or pest problems.

Propagation: By seed or rooted stem cuttings.




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Ixora coccinea

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