Green Guide: Miniature Landscape Roses

This small package provides big punches in the landscape.

When Greenheart Farms purchased Nor’East Miniature Roses in 2003, it had something special in mind. As propagators of own-root shrub and landscape roses, Greenheart saw the potential of adding a dazzling array of hardy, blooming, proven varieties to its offering.
These winter-hardy miniature roses include many American Award of Excellence, Hall of Fame, and All-America Rose Selections winners.

Early to bloom
Miniature garden roses thrive in full sun and can tolerate shady conditions. Airflow and drainage are two key factors that lead to a successful product. Iced Raspberry, Salute and Y2K, all bearing beautiful dark foliage, were selected for their range of color and are a nice contrast to the bright hybrid tea-type bloom. Planting in full sun will provide a symmetrical bushy plant that is 18 inches tall by 18 inches wide. When used in the landscape, they are best spaced 12-18 inches apart.  
These roses are prolific bloomers and will bloom in spring, long before their larger cousins. Bloom will begin in late March, continue through the first frost, then explode with color in the fall when they are invigorated with the cooler temperatures.

Maintenance and care
Miniature garden roses are excellent self- cleaners, shedding their spent blooms with ease, always with the next wave of blooms coming behind each flush. They can be sheared by removing no more than the top third of the plant. Being own-root plants, they bottom break to constantly rejuvenate themselves.
Iced RaspberryWinter care in mild climates should occur once the plant is completely dormant and in colder climates after the last frost. Plants should be cut back to 8 to 10-inches tall, removing all weak or spindly canes and unsightly foliage.
These roses thrive in all soil types. Do not let the soil dry down completely, as this can cause higher alkalinity which brings about yellowing and dropping of the lower foliage. Water well the first season to help establish a deep root system. These varieties are hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 4b-11.

Miniature garden roses are an extremely versatile product for nursery growers. Applications range from a floral product in 4½- to 8-inch pots, as well as nursery product in quarts all the way up to 3-gallon cans.
In the landscape they are excellent container plants on the deck or patio and are superior performers in garden beds, as well as excellent companions with a wide variety of annuals and perennials. 
For more: Greenheart Farms, (805) 481-2234;

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