I'm back, better than ever

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. No, you do not need new reading glasses. No, you have not been drinking.

Todd Davis

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. No, you do not need new reading glasses. No, you have not been drinking.

Or maybe you have, times are tough out there.

Regardless, I have returned to the helm of the nation’s only trade publication that caters exclusively to nursery growers and landscape distribution centers. After a three-year hiatus at Skinner Nurseries and Shemin Nurseries, I’m back as Publisher and Editorial Director of Nursery Management & Production.

Quicker than you can say, “Todd couldn’t hack it in the real world,” I’m hitting the ground running. One of my first duties will be presenting the 2010 Nursery Grower of the Year award to my friend and mentor Don McCorkle.

Come see me give the presentation Thursday, Aug. 26 at the Horticultural Research Institute reception, which takes place in conjunction with the Farwest Show in Portland, Ore. In the meantime, you can read about Don and McCorkle Nurseries’ many contributions to the nursery industry by clicking here.

Our Nursery Grower of the Year award is a tradition we take pride in. But, quite frankly, it’s what we’ll be doing in the near future that most excites me.

Past and future
A funny thing happened while I was gone. Technology changed, making it easier to provide dynamic content to help your business grow. I feel like a kid who came home from college to find his parents had remodeled the house, put in new appliances and added a 1,000 square-foot game room.

Yes, we will continue to publish a printed version of this magazine.

But what we’re doing online is truly amazing. Keep in mind Nursery Management and Production has always been on the forefront of technology. In 1996 we were the first nursery publication to start a weekly e-mail newsletter – one that continues today.

We were also the first nursery magazine to make the publication available completely online at www.NMProMagazine.com.

Most recently, we’ve added video content updated on a regular basis. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest news and trends as our staff travels to industry events around the country.

And we will be doing much, much more. The resources at GIE Media are like nothing I’ve had available before. The company’s diverse family of trade publications – including titles for every segment of the horticultural industry – give us tremendous leverage and ability to cover the market like no one else.

Here’s a promise: Yes, times are tough. But our industry will make it through this down economy, just as it has always done before.

And we’ll be there right alongside you. We are dedicated to making this publication better than it has ever been. We will provide industry news and business solutions to help you grow. We will introduce new technology and products that will reshape the nursery business.

That’s why I’m back. I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world.


Todd Davis


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