
Eyeconic Lemonade and Pink Lemonade from Conard-Pyle Co./Star Roses are hybrid Hulthemia floribundas. Lemonade features a bright-yellow flower with a red ring inside of the petal. It’s a vigorous grower with a bushy habit. It grows up to 4½ feet tall and wide. Pink Lemonade has a melon flower with a red ring inside of the petal. This compact shrub grows up to 3 feet tall and wide. Both varieties are self-cleaning.

David Austin Roses is introducing three new varieties for the U.S. wholesale market in 2012.

Lady of Shalott is one of the hardiest roses in the company’s collection. The young buds are a rich orange-red and open to a salmon pink upper side with a golden-yellow reverse. It has a large, bushy habit and grows up to 4 feet tall and 3½ feet wide

Munstead Wood features deep, velvety crimson centers while the outer petals remain lighter. This fragrant variety is a repeat bloomer and grows up to 3 feet tall and 2½ feet wide.

Susan Williams-Ellis has a pure-white flower with a strong fragrance. It flowers early in the season. It grows up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

Gold Medallion is the newest introduction in Greenheart Farms’ Garden Treasures micro-miniature collection. The compact, heavy-branching plants reach 12 inches tall and wide. These disease-resistant roses are self cleaning and low maintenance. They are heavy bloomers and will continue to flower throughout the season. Flowering begins in late March and continues until first frost. Garden Treasures can be sold as annuals or perennials in 2¼-inch pots up to 1-quart containers. They are hardy to Zones 4b-11.

IMAGES [top to bottom]: Eyeconic Pink Lemonade, Eyeconic Lemonade, Lady of Shalott, Susan Williams-Ellis, Munstead Wood, Gold Medallion

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