Questions with Hans Hansen

Walters Gardens’ Director of New Plant Development explains what growers should look for in hosta.

Hosta have been one of the most popular perennials historically – what do you think are some of the reasons for their enduring popularity?

Several factors have led to the Hosta’s rise to popularity since the 1970-80s. They are one of the few perennials that look great from the time they emerge in the spring until they go dormant in the fall. They are also hardy in much of the United States. They are great shade plants for folks that have homes in wooded lots or have mature trees. They propagate well and are affordable. They have a diverse range of variegation making them collectable and lend themselves to many landscape opportunities.

Is there any particular characteristic or type of Hosta that you see gardeners latching onto?

The larger hosta types seem to be the most popular, with blue and variegated forms outselling gold and green varieties.

Hans with ‘Dancing
with Dragons’
Photos courtesy of
Walters gardens

What are some of the goals of the Hosta program at Walters Gardens? What improvements are you working on?

I believe in the 10-foot hosta rule – a hosta should be easily identified without a label at ten feet away. Distinction and hostas that stand out and stand the test of time is my goal. Hallmarks of my breeding program include blues that hold their color all season, rippled leaf margins, slug resistance and variegation. Out of 1000s of hand pollinated crosses each year only about 1 out of 1000 make the cut. Vigor and ease of propagation in production are also very important.

When making Hosta selection, are there any characteristics growers should look for?

I would recommend a nice selection of variegation patterns, sizes and forms to give the retailers a nice palette to choose from. Narrow foliaged varieties like ‘Silly String’ and ‘Party Streamers’ complement the heart-shaped leaf forms like ‘Diamond Lake’ Any selection from the Proven Winners® Program, especially the Proven Winners® Hosta of the Year are popular with growers and gardeners.

What is an essential piece of information for growers looking quickly bulk and have nice looking plants for retail? 

Hostas give back what you put into them. They love moist well drained soil, plenty of water and light shade. One of my early mentors said “don’t plant a $30 hosta in a 30-cent hole. Add compost and make sure the garden is amended for the plant.” Also, if the shade in your garden is so dense you can’t grow grass, you won’t grow great hostas. Hostas tolerate shade – but do need light to grow. The medio variegated types especially thrive with morning sun (eastern exposure) or high shade. These tips translate into nursery production as well.

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