Recognize your remarkable peers

Our Horticultural Industries Leadership Awards highlight the folks who make a difference.

Kelli Rodda |

If you know a nursery or greenhouse pro, or someone from the education sector who works tirelessly at helping the industry, their employees, their customers, or their community, please nominate them for a Horticultural Industries Leadership Award (HILA).

I know there are thousands of people in our industry who are doing amazing things for the betterment of the industry and humanity. We want to hear about them. Telling their stories will help spread the desire to make a difference. It will help unify us to make our industry and our communities a better place to live and work.

The HILAs, which are sponsored by Syngenta, will be the only national awards program to honor leaders from the greenhouse and nursery industries. Six recipients will be honored in these industry sectors in North America.

HILA recipients will have made significant contributions to the horticulture industry, such as:

  • Contributing to its development with their innovation and expertise
  • Excelling in environmental stewardship
  • Enhancing the lives of employees, customers, communities and the industry at large with their charitable giving
  • Otherwise making a positive impact on the industry

We’ll gather to recognize the HILA recipients during a reception at Cultivate'17 in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, July 16, 2017.

Please visit and nominate someone. The deadline is April 1, 2017. I encourage you to share this on your social media pages or in your newsletters. And if you have any questions, please contact me at or (817) 386-5053. Thank you!

February 2017
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