Terra Nova Nurseries to display varieties at Beijing Florascape Ltd. 2020 Floral Show

More than 3,300 Terra Nova varieties will be displayed at the show.

Beijing Florascape 2020 Floral Show.
Beijing Florascape 2020 Floral Show.
Terra Nova Nurseries.

Terra Nova Nurseries announced its involvement in the Beijing Florascape Ltd. (BJFC) 2020 Spring Floral Show, set to take place April 7-12, in Beijing, China.

The show, which occurs every two years, will be hosted by BJFC, business partner and licensee of Terra Nova plants. Massive plant and flower displays will be created for the event in one of BJFC’s largest greenhouses. Terra Nova Nurseries will have its own display at the show, featuring a selection of the breeding company’s heuchera, kniphofia, echinacea, begonia, coreopsis, coleus and penstemon genera.

BJFC has also created a digital broadcast of the show should the Chinese government cancel the in-person show due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and precautionary efforts. With health conditions improving in China, the virtual event will be executed only on an as-needed basis. The event planners continue to prepare the onsite displays, with a goal of entertaining attendees at BJFC’s physical location.

BJFC invited Terra Nova to design a Beijing Florascape display space, which is an elevated display that is 6 meters long by 4 meters wide. Visitors of the 2020 BJFC Spring Floral Show can expect to see nearly 60 of Terra Nova Nurseries’ varieties that have a large market share in China and up to 25 brand-new varieties for the Chinese market.

More than 3,300 Terra Nova varieties will be displayed at the show, which will include 845 coreopsis, 11 gaillardia, 1,425 heuchera, 80 heucherella, 536 kniphofia, 165 penstemon and 274 coleus plants. Most of these varieties will be seen at Terra Nova Nurseries’ display area in addition to other gardens and displays throughout the show.

BJFC is one of the largest state-owned, ornamental young-plant suppliers and landscaping companies in China. Terra Nova Nurseries supplied BJFC with the needed genera to be featured at this year’s Spring Floral Show, and BJFC grew the plant material to garden-ready sizes at its operation.

“The Spring Floral show is significant to our company for new varieties’ promotion,” said Lifang Li, director of BJFC’s research and development department. “At the 2018 BJFC Spring Floral Show, we first showed Terra Nova-bred kniphofia to the Chinese public, which led to high interest from Chinese landscaping companies and improved sales in 2020.”

While Terra Nova Nurseries and BJFC expect a lower-than-usual attendance for the 2020 Spring Floral Show given COVID-19 domestic and international travel restrictions, the two businesses are proceeding with event plans within the guidelines of local and state governments.

The 2020 BJFC Spring Floral Show is scheduled for April 7-12, 2020, though the event managers will be monitoring any possible changes while the Chinese government currently reviews its current domestic travel restrictions. In the unexpected event the physical show is canceled by the Chinese government, the virtual show will be broadcast across social media platforms such as Wechat, Taobao, Tik Tok, Kuai Shou, and Douyu. Viewers will be given an e-tour through each floral display by the BJFC staff. 

Learn more about Terra Nova Nurseries at www.terranovanurseries.com.