Twitter delivers an effective way to communicate with customers, prospects and consumers. Make sure you’re following industry folks who provide links to research, marketing ideas, trends, and other beneficial information, as well as accounts to help you better manage staff and other business management necessities. We’ve gathered 25 sites that provide share-worthy tweets that you can use in your social media plan.
Thank our sponsor by following @amleonardinc to learn about all your horticulture tool and supply needs.
@American_Hort AmericanHort This national trade association for the green industry provides resources for better marketing, educational opportunities, HR and Washington updates.
@Plant_Delights Tony Avent Plant Delights Nursery is an online plant nursery specializing in unique, exotic and American native perennial plants. Follow for Tony’s daily plant photos – some of which you may have never seen before.
@The_RHS The RHS The Royal Horticultural Society works hard to enrich the lives of those in the UK through plants and gardening. Garden trends often appear first in Europe, so keep up with what’s happening across the pond.
@GetHorticulJobs Horticulture Jobs Whether you’re looking for help or in the job market, this source is constantly updated with jobs across the country.
@TexanInOz Jimmy Turner Jimmy is the director of horticulture at the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, Australia. If you’ve been longing to take a trip down under, Jimmy’s amazing photographs will suffice until you get the chance to visit in person.
@UpShootHort Maria Zampini Maria grew up in the nursery industry, and now runs her own new plant marketing group. You’ll find loads of info on new plants and trends in North American and throughout the world.
@GardenRant GardenRant These four green-industry dynamos have a blog by the same name. They’ll have you laughing with one post, and shaking your fist and yelling “YEAH!” in another.
@NatGardenBureau NationalGardenBureau This organization is pushing out loads of gardening info to consumers. Make sure you know what’s getting out to the folks who will ultimately buy your goods.
@ThomasRainerDC Thomas Rainer Thomas is an author and speaker who is known as a horticultural futurist. He educates about the role of plants in cities.
@nature_org Nature Conservancy This global organization’s mission is to conserve land and water. Hey, our products go hand in hand with NC’s mission!
@GardeningJoys Gardening Joys This is all types of gardening and outdoor info aimed at the consumer. You have to keep up with consumer trends to stay relevant and profitable!
@kissmyaster Amanda Thomsen Amanda has loads of personality, and her Ryan Gosling “hey girl” memes (all about gardening, of course) are hilarious. It’s not all about humor. This sassy gardener is pretty stoked about education.
@alliance4trees ACTrees Alliance for Community Trees is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving the health and livability of cities by planting and caring for trees. Follow this group for research updates, community tree planting ideas, pest issues and factoids you can share with customers and consumers.
@PlanetGreen Planet Green This is on the fringes of being an industry site, but horticulture and the health of our plant are certainly intertwined. This feed offers practical tips to “live a greener lifestyle.”
@MSTrialGarden MS St Trial Garden Mississippi State University does a fantastic job of updating followers on plants that are faring well in the trial garden. We appreciate the photos.
@DABSPlantTrials DallasArbPlantTrials The Dallas Arboretum trial garden is well known for its hotter-than-blazes summers, crazy hail storms and sometimes supreme drought. The staff shares helpful tidbits for the industry and consumers alike.
@longwoodgardens Longwood Gardens This Pennsylvania-based public garden aims to inspire the public through horticulture and the arts.
@dm_garden DM Botanical Garden The Des Moines Botanical Garden is making waves across the nation, not just in the Midwest, thanks in part to Kelly Norris, director of horticulture.
@chicagobotanic ChicagoBotanicGarden Public gardens are one of the most important ties between horticulture and people. And the Chicago Botanic Garden is no exception. Keeping track of events at public gardens gives you a glimpse into what visitors are seeing and talking about.
@kewgardens Kew Gardens This public garden located in London does a fabulous job of tweeting photos each day from the garden. Get ready to suffer from a bit of wanderlust when you follow this account.
@PublicGardens APGA By following the American Public Gardens Association, you’ll get an inside look at what’s happening at public gardens nationwide, from new plant displays to professional and consumer education.
@HarvardBiz Harvard Biz Review Some of the best management tips, case studies and success stories are shared here. Content is definitely worth the read and could likely change your business for the better.
@AmexOPEN American Express OPEN Fellow business owners from all types of industries share their successes, failures, ideas and support.
@FastCompany Fast Company This site features links to inspirational and valuable business help. Check it often and share some of these gems with your team.
@HistoryInPics History In Pictures This account is amazing. Each tweet offers up photos from war to pop culture. It’s great for a break in the workday, but be prepared to get lost!
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