Scott Ludwig

Scott Ludwig

Plant Health - Wood-Boring Insects

Know your borers for proper management

Thrips management resource available

There are a number of thrips species that are capable of causing problems in ornamental production. To help growers combat this troublesome group, new educational tools have been developed.

Mode of Action: Neurotoxins

Neurotoxins are insecticides that act specifically on nerve cells.

Mode of Action: Insect and mite growth regulators

The first part of this column will discuss the importance of understanding insecticide and fungicide mode of action (MOA) and why this information is important for growers to understand.

Wood-boring pests are a sure sign of stress in the nursery.

The term "borers" is a very generic term when used in regards to tree pests.

Understand the Ins and Outs of Oils ans Insecticides and Fungicides

The recent interest in sustainable production has growers looking for “soft” products to incorporate into their pest management program.

Reviewing the Basics of Production is Definitely Worth Your Time

Even the most seasoned professional has room for improvement.

Look for these pests in 2008