Yale Youngblood

Yale is the Editor of Garden Center magazine, a 20 year veteran in the Garden Center Marketplace.

An Industry in Flux

Mounting challenges set up 2012 to be a make-or-break year for the market

Highlights from Day One of the National Green Centre

Sweet Melissa fashion show, Dirr draw large crowds

National Green Centre 2011: Sarah Woody Bibens

Editor Yale Youngblood interviews Executive Director Sarah Woody Bibens at National Green Centre 2011 in St. Louis, Mo.

A Proven Winner -- quite literally

This ad emerges as the favorite following a survey of more than 150,000 consumers

Five recession busters every garden center can market

Yale Youngblood discusses "sure fire" product ideas and how to implement them in your business.

Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’

This versatile ornamental grass provides graceful movement

For every season ...

Six degrees of July

Make a new plan, Stan

For better or better