August 2021

Cover Story: Money matters
Nursery Optimization: Lean transformation
Rising homeownership
Travelogue // California Summer Trials: 5 eye-catching varieties
Grower Profile: Focus on accuracy
CULTIVATE 2021: Cultivate recap
Business management: The micromanager’s recovery guide
Guest Voice: Hort truths: We have a women in horticulture problem
State of the Market: Weed Control Report: Innovative weed management solutions
State of the Market: Weed Control Report: Weed control strategies for container nurseries
State of the Market: Weed Control Report: Weed prevention priorities
State of the Market: Weed Control Report: The battle of the weeds
[ Increasing Profits | Pest Control ]: One-two punch
[ Increasing Profits | Growing Media ]: You can’t beat the peat moss from Lambert
[ Increasing Profits | Mycorrhizae ]: Are you covered?
[ Increasing Profits | Shrubs ]: Spotlight on shrubs
[ Increasing Profits | Liners ]: Reliable, easy-care plants with youth appeal