Bailey receives GardenComm award

Ryan McEnaney is the recipient of the 2021 GardenComm Emergent Communicator Award.

Ryan McEnaney
Ryan McEnaney
Photo courtesy of Bailey

Bailey has announced in a press release that Ryan McEnaney, Bailey marketing and communications manager, has received the Emergent Communicator Award at the 2021 GardenComm Conference. This award recognizes a member under the age of 40 who demonstrates exceptionally high degrees of skill, professional ethics and dedication to the GardenComm mission and values.

“Ryan has been an active member since joining GardenComm,” shares GardenComm President Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp. “He brings enthusiasm for and insight to communicating with the public about activities we love: Plants and gardening.”

“I am humbled and grateful to be recognized by GardenComm with this award,” shares Ryan. “The relationships and growth I’ve experienced because of this organization have transformed my career at Bailey Nurseries, and for that, I am deeply indebted. It’s a privilege to be included among friends and colleagues such Kelly Norris, Katie Dubow and Katie Elzer-Peters, who have previously received this honor. It’s such a joy to work as a garden communicator, inspiring homeowners to dig in the dirt, and an even greater occasion to be recognized by my peers.”

Ryan has been with Bailey since 2013, supporting the company’s trade and consumer outreach. In 2021, he moved into the role of marketing and communications manager.




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