Bailey Nurseries honors brand licensees

Four nursery growers were recognized for their exceptional contributions and partnership.

Three men stand in front of hydrangea bushes as they hold gold plaques.
Representatives from Means Nursery, Loma Vista Nursery and Overdevest Nurseries receive their awards. A representative from Baucom’s Nursery was not present at the award ceremony, so they are not pictured in the photo.
Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries

Bailey Nurseries honored four brand licensee partners earlier this summer for their contributions to Bailey consumer brands Endless Summer Hydrangeas, First Editions Shrubs & Trees and Easy Elegance Roses.

The awards were presented at the annual grower meeting in June, recognizing excellence across various categories such as sales performance, plant quality, social media engagement, trade show participation, effective communication and overall partnership.

"There are many moving parts throughout the year, and we observe how our grower partners are representing our brands not just at retail but also to their customers and end consumers," said brand and business development manager Layci Gragnani. "These four partners have represented our three brands in exceptional ways this past year. We are delighted to acknowledge their hard work and continued partnership. Their dedication is a key driver behind the continued success of our brands."

Meet the 2024 award recipients: