Dümmen Orange, according to a press release, has entered the tropical plant space with its Welcome to the Jungle program.
Welcome to the Jungle is a new, indoor foliage houseplant program with 50 varieties of popular houseplant categories currently available, according to the breeder. They also say that it is a turnkey program for growers and can be grown anywhere in the U.S. or Canada. The company says that each variety will grow in 10 to 14 weeks in 4-inch to 6-inch pots.
Dümmen is also rolling out SPROUTS, “an easy-to-stick, multi-stemmed and leaved plant that arrives pre-callused and ready to push out roots.” They currently offers SPROUTS in three peperomia varieties in Leap Frog, Raisinet and Rosso with more selections to come.
The following variety descriptions were provided by the breeder.
Peperomia Leap Frog
Peperomia are an enjoyable, easy to grow houseplant that has been around for years. Surging in popularity again, the plants can be grown in small containers and spaces which makes them an easy to care for indoor plant. Dümmen Orange offers 16 varieties of peperomia including Leap Frog with its fresh, bright green foliage for which the company is the exclusive provider in North America. Each peperomia variety has unique attributes which make them attractive to interior decorators and gardeners alike.
Epiphyllum Anguliger
Epiphyllum Anguliger has many aliases, but this variety with its unique leaves is considered one of the most interesting houseplant textures around. With wavy, upright foliage that lends itself to a sculptural look, it makes a great indoor plant that stands out from the crowd. As the plant matures, ric-rac foliage lengths drape in baskets, ideal for 4-inch or larger hanging baskets. Dümmen Orange is the exclusive provider of this variety.
Gasteria Flow
Speaking of exclusive, Dümmen Orange is also the exclusive provider of gasteria varieties which include Durban, Flow, Kyaka, Morombe, Royal Wolfgang and Zimflora. Gasteria is a genus of somewhat rare, aloe-like succulents. Sometimes called ox tongues, they typically have long leaves with a rough texture. The Dümmen Orange collection is uniquely marked with patterns and colors which, when mature, gasteria plants produce tubular, curved flowers from winter to spring. Growing in lightly shaded conditions, this genus native to South Africa tolerates lower light conditions compared to other succulents, making it a forgiving indoor plant.
Haworthia Royal Albert
Looking for a mini aloe-like plant? Then Haworthia Royal Albert is for you and Dümmen Orange is your exclusive provider. With its green, pointy, chunky foliage and white raised markings on the surface of each leaf, this small succulent works well in mixed planters with partial shade or as a potted plant in the windowsill. Dümmen Orange would never recommend neglecting any plant, but Haworthia Royal Albert does tolerate neglect and a range of light levels.
Kalanchoe Silver Strand
The unique Kalanchoe Silver Strand, exclusive to Dümmen Orange, adds drama and texture to any houseplant collection with its large, arching leaves having deep serrations and a velvety, silver texture. Bred to be a naturally compact beharensis, a species known for its vigor, no growth regulators or pinching are required. Designed for 4-inch and up production, it pairs well in mixed flats, as a specimen or in combinations.
Delosperma Gherkin
Crassula Tenelli Bling, exclusively from Dümmen Orange, is a silvery-textured succulent that is easy to care for in a bright area. Its shimmering leaves stand out in a foliage collection. Often referred to as the pickle plant, a Delosperma Gherkin, has small gherken-shaped leaves covered in little white hair. Suited for 2-inch to 6-inch production, it pairs well in mixed flats and combinations.
Pilea Chocolate
Pilea have small leaves which makes them ideal for terrariums, hanging baskets or indoor planters. Chocolate, a Dümmen Orange exclusive, is a new pilea color with bronze foliage and pink growth. Its large, glossy bronze foliage has an uncommon look that can star by itself or combine with another Dümmen Orange pilea for a unique, two-toned planter. Pilea also come in Palus, Pantano and Mystifall.
Senecio Mount Blanc
Senecios are an interesting group of easy to care for succulent houseplants which are often grown in hanging baskets. These indoor plants have earned the reputation of being easy to care for because, if they get enough light, they are practically no-fail performance plants that require only occasional watering. This is good news for gardeners of any skill level. Dümmen Orange is the exclusive provider of Senecio Mount Blanc which has startling, fuzzy white foliage.
Tradescantia Nanouk
Tradescantia are old-fashioned houseplants that are still popular today because they are easy to grow. Their trailing stems make them perfect for hanging baskets but also striking when they spread across a surface like a tabletop. Dümmen Orange offers five varieties and is the exclusive provider of Nanouk. Nanouk is the most highly sought-after tradescantia on the market. It is a vigorous grower with glowing purple, pink, white and green tones. Easy to grow and finish, Nanouk sizes up fast and is best when placed in an 8-inch or larger hanging basket.
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