Last living Johnny Appleseed tree still fruitful after 150 years

The tree is the pride of Savannah, Ohio.

SAVANNAH, Ohio - Measuring a bit more than a square half-mile, the northern Ashland County village of Savannah has one restaurant, a tiny park and one other thing - a gnarled apple tree that is certified as the last survivor of the thousands planted by Johnny Appleseed more than 150 years ago.

And it's still producing apples, sometimes too many.

Click here to read more from The Plain Dealer.

To learn more about Johnny Appleseed's life and work, visit the Johnny Appleseed Museum and Education Center in Urbana, Ohio.

If you're interesting in purchasing a seedling from from the last apple tree planted by Johnny Appleseed in Savannah, contact the museum, or Silver Creek Nursery, a Manitowoc, Wisc. nursery authorized by the museum to propagate, grow and sell the seedlings.

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