NGB, AAS elect new officers and directors

Elections were held during meetings at the ASTA Flower and Vegetable Seed Conference in Orlando.

According to a press release, the National Garden Bureau and All-America Selections elected new officers and board members on Feb. 1. Elections were held during meetings at the ASTA Flower and Vegetable Seed Conference in Orlando, which ran Feb 1-5.  

NGB elected Marissa Verdi from Harris Seeds/Garden Trends as its new director. Verdi is the business to consumer (B2C) manager at Harris Seeds/Garden Trends. She also has a master's degree from the University of Georgia in plant protection and pest management. 

AAS appointed Jim Devereux, vice president of Green Fuse Botanicals, as its president and Scott Rusch, product development manager at PanAmerican Seed, as its vice president. Alicain Carlson, the technical trials manager at Syngenta Flowers, was also elected as an AAS director. 

According a NGB and AAS spokesperson, the four electees began their positions on Feb. 1.