Over 1,400 trees will be planted for Earth Day

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society is planning volunteer tree planting events around Philadelphia April 20-24.

Photo courtesy of PHS

Photo courtesy of PHS

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) will commemorate Earth Day by planting trees throughout the Greater Philadelphia area from April 20-24, 2023, with assistance from more than 80 of its PHS Tree Tenders groups, neighborhood volunteers, and community organizations. Over 1,400 trees are expected to be planted. 

PHS promotes healthier, greener communities by expanding and improving the tree canopy in neighborhoods throughout the Philadelphia region through this semi-annual initiative.  

Volunteers interested in participating in tree planting can sign up at: https://phsonline.org/programs/tree-programs/get-involved  

Tree canopy, or the amount of land shaded by trees, has been proven in studies to improve health outcomes and communities, including a decline in heat-related illnesses and lower rates of violence. A "good" tree canopy coverage is thought to be 30% of the total land area. The city of Philadelphia only has 20% coverage overall, and in certain neighborhoods it is as low as 2.5%. These startlingly low figures have prompted PHS to commit to increasing tree canopy, especially in areas with few trees and higher than average temperatures. 

No prior expertise is necessary for volunteers to participate in the tree planting process, which usually takes three hours at the specified location. A PHS Tree Tenders group leader will be present at all planting sites to guide and encourage volunteers. Everyone is asked to bring hand sanitizer, gloves, closed-toed shoes, a water bottle and, if they have one, a shovel. Planting tools such as shovels, pickaxes, brooms, garbage bags, and other items will be supplied on-site. Specific details for each site are available via the website. Participants are also advised to dress appropriately as plantings will take place rain or shine. 

Visit https://phsonline.org/tree to learn more about volunteering for this event.  
How to Use the Link Above:  

1.  View the map to find the GREEN pinpoints where volunteers are still needed 
2. Click on the green pinpoint for the time and location 
3. Click on the Volunteerhub link to login or register for an account 
4. Follow the instructions to sign up 

With a focus on the Philadelphia region, the PHS Tree Tenders’ semi-annual training program provides low-cost instruction in tree care to individuals and volunteer organizations. To date, over 6,000 people have become certified PHS Tree Tenders, helping plant over 25,000 trees in Greater Philadelphia neighborhoods since the program's debut over 30 years ago. 

Feel free to reach out to trees@pennhort.org regarding any inquiries about Tree Programs and PHS Tree Tenders. 

By contributing to the PHS More Trees Please campaign, you can join PHS in its effort to plant trees in the Greater Philadelphia area. PHS collaborates with volunteers from across the Greater Philadelphia region each spring and fall to plant trees at little or no cost to local residents. Contributions to "More Trees Please" are essential for supplying the financing for the trees, equipment and supplies required to make these plantings feasible. Find out more at PHSonline.org/patrees.