Pleasant View Gardens signs on with Sollum Technologies to light its plant production

The New Hampshire-based nursery will use Sollum's LED light solutions for its growing needs.

Pleasant View Gardens is one of two plant growers that produces liners for the Proven Winners brand of plants.
Pleasant View Gardens is one of two plant growers that produces liners for the Proven Winners brand of plants.
Photo by Pleasant View Gardens

New Hampshire-based Pleasant View Gardens has chosen Sollum's dynamic LED grow light solution.

Pleasant View Gardens is one of two plant growers that produces liners for the Proven Winners brand of plants.

"Going forward, the key to success for us is flexibility," says Mike Goyette, operations manager for Pleasant View Gardens. "We have exacting standards for consistency and quality and our customers have come to expect an ever-growing variety of breathtaking products for their homes and communities. In this context, the capability of Sollum's LED light fixtures to handle an unlimited number of light recipes, especially enabling different lighting recipes for liner and finished product is instrumental to our success. This gives us a tremendous amount of operational flexibility and helps us be prepared for any changes required by our customers."

Michael Hanan, Sollum Technologies senior US sales director adds, "The significance of Pleasant View Gardens and Proven Winners in the horticultural world cannot be understated. This partnership further validates our technology as a flexible and dependable solution for those with both agricultural and ornamental productions alike, and especially for producers requiring a single technology to light multiple crops."