32 cell tree propagation tray for 50 mm Ellepots

This 32-cell tray is ideal for automation in both traditional nurseries and modern purpose-built ones.

This 32 cell Ellepot/Proptek propagation tray is the perfect growing system for all sizes of trees and shrubs. Smaller shrubs or plants like woody herbs can be shipped directly from having been grown in the tray, or larger plants can be quickly and easily bumped up into a larger container for growing-on.

The 50mm Ellepots support and hold together the growing media while the roots are growing, meaning the plants can be moved or transplanted far sooner than in traditional systems. The inserts are held in such a way that also allows enough air movement for great aeration, drainage and fantastic ‘air pruning’ of the root system, but not so much as to make them dry out too fast.

One of the key concepts with the Ellepot/Proptek system is how compatible with automation it is. Time and money efficiency savings can be made throughout the whole growing process, right from filling, transplanting, sorting and grading to shipping out of the door.

The tray comes in four versions: with feet, with lugs, with feet and lugs or the plain tray. The foot version allows the tray to be raised off the ground away from standing water to allow air to better flow around the base to help air pruning and reduce disease. The ‘lug’ option enables the tray to easily be guided on a ‘T’ rail benching system.

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