Trial Gardens at UGA releases first 'Plants of Distinction' for 2020

New 'Plants of Distinction' are released each week.

Zinnia ‘Red and yellow bicolor’ Trial Entry by All America Selections
Zinnia ‘Red and yellow bicolor’ Trial Entry by All America Selections
Photo courtesy of the University of Georgia

In the first of its 'Plants of Distinction' posting of 2020, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia has named the following plants among its initial honorees: 

Begonia Spring Fling ‘Buttercup' Vegetative by Ball Ingenuity

Calibrachoa Eyeconic ‘Purple’ by Danziger

Cosmos Candyfloss ‘White' by European Takii

Lobelia Laguna ‘Sky Blue Improved’ by Proven Winners

Petunia Supertunia Mini Vista ‘Pink Star' by  Proven Winners

Petunia Surprise ‘Purple Dance’ by Dummen Orange

Phlox Gisele ‘Red' by Selecta One

Scaevola Surdiva ‘White Improved' by Suntory

Zinnia Preciosa ‘Rose' by American Takii

Zinnia ‘Red and yellow bicolor’ Trial Entry by All America Selections

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