University of Georgia offers certification courses taught by Dr. Allan Armitage

The online classes offer "crash courses" on perennial varieties well-suited for both sun and shade.

Dr. Allan Armitage, author, speaker and educator, is offering two online certification programs through the University of Georgia on herbaceous perennials for the sun and shade.

"Armitage's Herbaceous Perennials for the Sun" and "Armitage's Herbaceous Perennials for the Shade" are online certificate programs authored by Dr. Armitage, one of the world's leading experts on and researchers of perennials. In the courses, you will read and hear Dr. Armitage’s insights on how to plant, propagate, and care for 20 of his favorite perennials. The courses are online, so you can progress at your own pace, on your own schedule.

You’ll be using Dr. Armitage’s renowned textbook, Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise on their Identification, Culture, and Garden Attributes. Other resources include online access to the professor’s audio clips, interactive exercises, and end-of-lesson quizzes that provide instant feedback.

The courses are intended for home garden enthusiasts, master gardeners, commercial landscapers and nursery and garden center employees.

More details and registration instructions are available at the University of Georgia website.

Listen: What's in a name? [podcast] - Dr. Allan Armitage, writer, speaker, educator and author, discusses his new book - "Of Naked Ladies and Forget-Me-Nots: The Stories Behind The Common Names of Some of Our Favorite Plants."