University of Georgia accepting submissions for 2020 trial gardens

The gardens are scheduled for public viewing at a to-be-determined date in April.

Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Honeyberry,’ Proven Winners from the University of Georgia's 2019 trial gardens
Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Honeyberry,’ Proven Winners from the University of Georgia's 2019 trial gardens
Photo courtesy of the University of Georgia

The University of Georgia’s trial gardens is now accepting submissions for its 2020 trials.

In keeping with years past, the trialing fees will remain $75 per entry in 2020. Since the program has no operating budget from the University of Georgia, the fees go directly to paying student workers and for all necessary supplies and labor.

If possible, please send your list of intended trial entries to Brandon Coker as soon as possible. Providing a list helps the UGA team design the planting plans for the gardens.  In addition, please be sure to provide all the necessary information — correct botanical name, trademark name, etc. — for the plant labels.

Seed should be sent ASAP so it can be grown to the same size as other plants already sent. Please be sure that your rooted cuttings arrive between March 1 and March 15, 2020 (weeks 10-12). Plants can be shipped in multiple shipments if necessary. Please send at least 25-35 rooted cuttings per cultivar. Please send all the paperwork to Brandon Coker or send it via email.

The shipping address for plants is as follows:

Brandon Coker

Trial Gardens at UGA

220 West Green Street

RC Wilson Pharmacy Building Receiving Dock

Athens, Georgia, 30602

Once plants are received, you will receive an invoice from UGA. Checks can be made out to: University of Georgia and sent to:

Mary Jane Scarborough

University of Georgia

Horticulture Dept.

1111 Plant Science Bldg.

Athens, GA 30602


Payment is due May 15, 2020. Please contact Dr. John Ruter or Coker with any questions.