A queen fire ant can lay 2,000 eggs each day. That's why it's essential to kill the queen. Amdro® Pro Fire Ant Bait does just that, using an active ingredient that gives worker ants enough time to deliver it to their queen. No queen. No colony. When used as directed, Amdro Pro:
Delivers proven, cost-effective control of fire ants.
Provides flexible dose and application options, making it effective when used over large areas or around a single mound.
Use Sites:
- Turf: Athletic fields, commercial grounds, golf courses, lawns, landscaped areas and sod farms (commercial turf).
- Noncropland Areas: Airports, cemeteries, commercial grounds, parks, school and picnic grounds, recreational areas and roadsides.
- Ornamentals: Container or field-grown ornamentals, non-food bearing nursery stock, and soil around non-bearing fruit or nut trees.
Formulation: 0.73% G (Granule)
Packaging: 4.5 lb. bag; 25 lb. bag
Active Ingredient: Hydramethylnon
Chemical Family: Amidinohydrazone
Mode of Action: Site II electron transport inhibitor in the cell mitochondria. Deletes the insects’ energy source, causing insects to die.
Rates: Do not apply more than 2 pounds per acre. Individual Mounds – 2 to 5 level tablespoons; Broadcast Treatment – 1 to 1.5 pounds per acre for fire ants and harvester ants; 2 pounds per acre for big-headed ants only. (2.0 to 3.0 oz. / 5000 sq. ft.)
Control Symptoms: Satellite mounds begin to disappear in the yard when the broadcast application is made to the entire infested area. Mound treatments result in mound collapse.