
Growers of herbaceous and woody ornamentals have a recently launched tool from Syngenta for the 2015 spring season in their fight against lepidopteran pests: Enfold™ insecticide. A powerful product, Enfold helps growers control caterpillar and worm pests at low use rates. Shrubs, perennials, and non-bearing fruit and nut trees can benefit from its unique active ingredient, emamectin benzoate, which is in IRAC Group 6.

Trial results show that Enfold, which is labeled for outdoor container and in-ground-grown nursery production, also provides growers with suppressive activity of leafminers, spider mites and pear psyllids.

Enfold provides greater control with less product, because it is effective at rates as low as 2.4-4.8 oz/A and, as an added benefit, it is rainfast as soon as spray has dried.

Once applied, it uses translaminar movement to penetrate the plant tissue, creating a reservoir of active ingredient to protect both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Insects stop feeding immediately, resulting in less damage and fewer plant losses for growers.

For more information about Enfold, visit www.enfoldinsecticide.com.