Heliopsis ‘Prima Ballerina’






Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Prima Ballerina’

Jelitto’s first year flowering Heliopsis ‘Prima Ballerina’ is floriferous and lovely and a prime example of the Jelitto dedication to bring desirable new introductions to market. Sturdier than other previously existing seed strains, this oxeye sunflower is a third shorter than the well-known ’Summer Sun.’



‘Prima Ballerina’ grows to 60 cm (24”) the first year and tops-out at 100 cm (40”) in future seasons.

The wonderful drought tolerant North American native smooth oxeye can handle heavy clay soil and is adaptable to any sunny site. The graceful ‘Prima Ballerina’ will dance with the butterflies and pollinators that flock to it – and many will come! This highlighted 2016 introduction is now available to growers and gardeners alike.




For more: www.jelitto.com