Leading Women of Horticulture: Anna Ball, Ball Hort, and Terri McEnaney, Bailey Nurseries

Anna Ball and Terri McEnaney, who both lead legacy horticulture companies, make mentoring and encouraging the next generation a top priority.

Ball Seed partners with TTA to distribute new CuttingEdge cutting-sticking machine

The CuttingEdge includes an in-feed chain conveyor for plug trays; TTA’s CuttingVision system for evaluating cuttings; and a robotic arm for planting approved cuttings.

Cultivate’22: New plant highlights

There were tons of amazing new introductions on display at the Columbus, Ohio, trade show.

Perovskia spp.

See which Russian sage cultivars performed best at the Chicago Botanic Garden trials.

Ball Horticultural announces Al Davidson as president in newly created role

CEO and Chairman of the Board Anna Ball cites industry growth and expanding product opportunities as reasons to add a new president role. Other role adjustments followed suit as well.

Key ornamental stakeholders discuss energizing the industry at AIPH Spring Meeting

At the ‘Growing the Industry’ event, speakers exchanged knowledge and facilitated discussion on understanding the development of the U.S. market.

Beacon Impatiens floral design featured at the 2020 Grammy Awards

The new Beacon Impatiens shined as part of Tu Bloom's arrangements for this year's Grammy’s red carpet look.

Retailers' Choice Awards winners announced at Cultivate'19

Thirteen exhibiting companies won over the judges at the Garden Center Group's annual contest.

Seed Your Future adjusts aim for high school, college students

At Cultivate'19, SYF updated attendees on its plans to inspire young people to pursue careers in horticulture.