
Ecological insight
Takao Nursery recognized California’s drought pattern years ago. Their switch to water-wise plants has served the West for 15 years. Now other states are taking notice.
More in drought
Water wise trials
University of California, Davis evaluates plants and identifies the best candidates for low water use landscapes.
Right plant, right place
Shooting Star Nursery in Southern Oregon emphasizes regionally appropriate plants by sourcing material from Emerald Coast Growers.
California governor lifts drought emergency
Although the state of emergency has ended, water reporting requirements and prohibitions of wasteful practices will remain in place.
University of Florida calls for grower responses to water conservation survey
The research aims to implement sustainable, alternative water sources into nursery and floriculture production.
Despite dam danger, California still in drought
Look beneath the surface for an unresolved water conflict.
Horticultural Research Institute announces funded projects
HRI will provide $289,500 in 2017 to support 13 research projects that benefit the green industry.
HRI research update
Jill Calabro, science and research director with AmericanHort, gives an update on the Horticultural Research Institute's 2017 research projects, including alternative irrigation sources, boxwood blight and more.
More than 100 million dead trees in California from drought
A new aerial survey found an additional 36 million dead trees across California since May 2016.
The top stories of 2016
Read all of our 2016 cover stories in one place.
How Altman Plants is beating the drought
A reclamation system allows the California nursery to reuse more than 100 million gallons of water annually.