Insect Control by Central Life Sciences

Identifying and treating whiteflies

They often congregate on the undersides of leaves, where they lay their eggs and feed primarily on the underside of leaves with their piercing mouths, stunting plant growth.

Enstar® AQ

The insect growth regulator features broad-spectrum, long residual control of whiteflies, thrips, aphids, soft-bodied and armored scales, mealybugs, leaf miners, glassy-winged sharpshooters, and fungus gnats.

Pollinator protection tips

Proper practices are the key to ensuring bee-friendly insect control in nurseries.

FAQ: insect control

Doug VanGundy, vice president of research and development for Central Life Sciences, answers three tough questions.

Mavrik Aquaflow®

The insecticide/miticide provides immediate and long-term control to fight off insects in nurseries.

Extinguish® Plus

This product can help protect nurseries against fire ants.