Nursery Equipment

Look for leaks
Tighten up vents and fan shutters to save heat this winter.
More in Nursery Equipment
Fertilizer math for nursery containers
Learn how to determine the right incorporation and application rate for your operation.
Watch a sticking robot for unrooted cuttings in action
By using artificial intelligence to decide which end is the stem and top, the machine grabs the unrooted cutting and sticks it into a tray.
Lease, rent or buy?
Consider equipment costs, terms of service and financial health before deciding how to proceed.
Efficiency matters
Shipping pros are unsung heroes of the nursery business.
Out with the old
Plastic removal equipment can help lighten the load in your growing operation.
STIHL Inc. announces Eric Bjorling as new vice president of marketing
Bjorling will be responsible for leading the development of U.S. brand and retail marketing communications strategies.
Burro launches new labor-saving robot
All electric, the environmentally friendly Burro Grande will carry or tow heavy loads over multiple terrains for up to 15 miles between charges.
CASE Construction Equipment welcomes a new dealer to its North America network
CASE Power & Equipment of Pennsylvania will sell and service the full line of CASE equipment in the Pittsburgh, PA, region.
Precision equipment and consistent mix
The team at Petitti Family of Farms underscores the importance of investing in equipment.
Motorized movement
Belt conveyors can improve the efficiency of materials handling.