FAQ: insect control

Doug VanGundy, vice president of research and development for Central Life Sciences, answers three tough questions.


1. How do I know if I have a mite infestation and what can be done to control it?

Mites are tiny, sometimes microscopic, arthropods, kin to spiders. Barely visible to the naked eye, they look like small, moving dots. Mites are typically found on the underside of leaves and in high populations, some mites will produce fine webbing much like a spider web. There are many mite species that infest commercial nurseries and they come in a wide spectrum of colors, including red, yellow, green, purple, black and translucent. Two-spotted spider mites are one of the more common mites to infest bedding plants. Adult mites typically have four pairs of legs, which readily distinguish them from insects. Mite larvae have three pairs of legs until they molt to the nymph stage. Then, a fourth pair emerges. The mites draw nutrients from plants with their scraping mouthparts, creating a blotchy or "salt and pepper" pattern on leaves. Mites affect a wide range of plant material, from bedding plants to container-grown shrubs and trees.

Mites reproduce rapidly and infestations might not be identified until it’s too late. So, understanding what mite damage looks like is key to stopping an infestation before it gets out of hand. Keeping mites in check is an important step to keeping plants healthy and growing. Regular monitoring is the key to early detection and to initiating a control program. Mite infestations develop rapidly and damage is irreversible. Using a miticide such as Mavrik Aquaflow® Insecticide/Miticide that provides quick kill without phytotoxicity concerns is key to a successful management program. Mavrik Aquaflow® Insecticide/Miticide contains the active ingredient tau-fluvalinate. The formulation is a non-phytotoxic, water-based solution with flexible use rates and comes in an easy to use tip-and-measure container. Mavrik Aquaflow® Insecticide/Miticide controls a wide variety insect and mite pests.


2. What is the most effective way to control fire ants on my nursery?

Fire ants earned their name because of their painful stings inflicted on humans and animals. Fire ants can be controlled in a variety of ways, but baiting programs provide the greatest opportunity to reach the most ants. Baits may be applied as a broadcast outside and inside of lath houses and other locations where plant material is being grown. (Read and follow all label directions.)

Extinguish® Plus fire ant bait combines the quick kill of an adulticide with the long-term control of an insect growth regulator. This bait meets all USDA quarantine requirements and offers an economical use rate. For best results, Extinguish® Plus fire ant bait should be applied as needed, when ants are active and foraging and soil temperatures are above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The bait will become unattractive to ants if it becomes wet, so it is important to apply the product to dry soil. Turn off the irrigation system at least 24 hours before application, and wait at least 24 hours after application to irrigate again. Also, avoid applying the product within six hours of a rain event.


3. Can pesticides harm the plants in my nursery?

Phytotoxicity can be caused by a variety of products, including those used to fight pests, regulate plant growth or even fertilizers. Identifying the source of your problem starts with recognizing symptoms associated with phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity can sometimes be tricky to identify, as some symptoms are similar to plant diseases. Common signs include leaf speckling, brown or yellow leaf spots, leaf cupping, margin burning, stem twisting, plant stunting or plant death. Phytotoxicity can appear soon after an application or even a few days later. Generally, new growth following a suspected phytotoxicity incident will appear healthy, but the degree of damage may impact recovery.

A few tips to avoid phytotoxicity are to familiarize yourself with product choices, ask your vendor rep or extension agent and read the label. If there are ever questions, apply the product of choice to a small section of plant material and observe the plants for a few days. Formulations/active ingredients can cause phytotoxicity for a number of reasons, such as product use rate, method of application, environmental conditions, formulation type and more. Some plants are more sensitive to certain formulations, so it’s important to know the labeled uses and rates. Mavrik Aquaflow® Insecticide/Miticide has been tested across a broad range of plant material and has been proven to be non-phytotoxic, even on open blooms. Mavrik Aquaflow® Insecticide/Miticide provides fast knockdown on a broad spectrum of pests, without harming bedding plants, ornamental plants or shrubbery.

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